Aula Magna's statutes
For practical reasons, Aula Magna has taken the form of an asbl/vzw under Belgian law.
Aula Magna aims at being a think tank and debating place about Brussels, and excludes any political or partisan cleavages.
In our new statutes, Aula Magna's objectives are formulated as such (free translation from the legal French & Dutch versions):
"The association has for object to push forward reflections as well as an open and well-informed debate about all the dimensions of Brussels Capital's future, to promote the function, the role and the specific dimension of Brussels as a 'city of the world' and European Union capital. Decided to function outside of political and partisan cleavages, the association brings together Brussels citizens who wish to reconcile the well-being of all the city's inhabitants, with its role as belgian and european capital."
Click here to download our official Statutes in FRENCH or in DUTCH.